Spring Fruit Recipes
As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, strawberries, apricots, and mulberries spring forth in gardens and farmer's markets. These spring fruit recipes make the most of them. We also use plenty of rhubarb for good measure.
Popular Recipes
Rhubarb Shrub
Bright, tart, and refreshing. This rhubarb shrub is the perfect celebration of spring.
Seasonal Spring Fruits
Rhubarb is the first to appear in spring. Rhubarb is technically a vegetable. But, you'll find that many cooks treat it like a fruit. They add it to cakes, muffins, pies, jams and sweet drinks.
Berries arrive next. Strawberries arrive first, followed closely by mulberries. For most other berries, you'll have to wait until summer.
Apricots and sweet cherries arrive in mid- to late spring. They're delicious eaten fresh or tucked into pies and crumbles.
Citrus is primarily a winter fruit, but you'll see a few late bloomers peak during early spring. Grapefruit, Meyer lemons, and kumquats are great choices.
More spring fruit recipes
Spring is a great time to celebrate an abundance of rhubarb, berries, apricots and cherries. We love them in drinks, tucked into crumbles and pies or served on their own.