Every Christmas Eve, my son and I bake cookies. This year we baked sprouted spelt cookies shaped like little snowmen. We glazed them with a bit of powdered sugar and hot water, dusted them with sprinkles, and dotted their little ragged forms with currants.
It's a sweet time for us. We set things aside, chat, and work patiently through cutting out cookies, baking, frosting, decorating. The cookies are lovely and imperfect altogether - a missing hand, an oddly uneven dab of frosting, an asymmetrical smile. But tonight's not about picture-perfect snowmen to parade on the blog. It's about time spent together, laughing, playing, and waiting for Santa.
Santa Claus in Our Home
When our little one was born, my husband and I resolutely abolished Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy from our home. We didn't want our relationship with our little boy tarnished by lies. I know. It sounds extreme, and it probably is. But, we're like that. Extreme. Ideological. And probably a bit self-righteous, too.
Besides, the mere idea of Santa always left me feeling a bit queasy, a bit unsettled as a kid. I'd worry to myself, "You mean, some weird old man is going to come inside our house while we sleep tonight?" So relegating Santa and his cohorts to the realm of myth for my child only felt right and just.
Then, on Christmas Eve the year my son turned two, he announced, "Santa's coming tonight!" Despite our best efforts, the myth of Santa slipped past the newspaper ads, the storefront windows, the chattering kids and into the seams of our little life. And looking into his twinkling and eager blue eyes, I couldn't bring myself to deny him something he wanted very badly: magic. So we chatted about myth and magic and Santa and the holiday spirit that night as I nursed him to sleep while my husband ran downtown for some last-minute presents from Santa that we'd slip under the tree for the morning.
So while none of us believe, we still celebrate the magic each year with cookies for Santa, carrots for his reindeer, and special gifts beneath the tree. And just as we enjoy playing Santa for our little boy, our little boy enjoys playing Santa for us: sneaking downstairs at night to tuck a few extra gifts in our stockings.
Making Christmas Cookies a Little Better
Cookie making, like gifts under the tree, is usually something I reserve only for the winter holidays. In our home, I typically favor fruit or custards for dessert. I'm no fan of excessive sweets, natural though they may be, I also reflect on the importance of culinary traditions. So I simply try to make them a little better.
Sprouted Flour for Cookies
I usually choose sprouted flour for my cookies. Since you bake cookies shortly after mixing the dough, there's little time to allow for the grain to soak or sour (a necessary step in cooking whole grains), so choosing well-sifted sprouted grain flour is an alternative I favor. Sprouting, like soaking or souring, helps to mitigate the antinutrients that are naturally present in whole grains; as a result of sprouting, the flour is richer in vitamins and its full array of minerals become more bioavailable. I typically make my own sprouted flour, but you can also buy sprouted flour at well-stocked health food stores or online. And if you're in a pinch and don't have sprouted flour to make these cookies for Santa, simply substitute all-purpose flour.
Natural Decorations
Decorating Christmas cookies is the fun my son and I look forward to most, but it's always a challenge as most of the sugars, dyes, and additives in frostings and decorations leave me wary. Instead, we make a simple glaze of a few tablespoons of hot water whisked into homemade powdered sugar, topping them with sprinkles, and bits of dried fruit. It's a bit of a sugar bomb, but one that comes only once a year.
Rebecca says
Is this recipe supposed to have any leavening agent? After I baked the first pan, I realized there wasn't any listed. The cookies taste great, but certainly are more like sweet crackers. Just curious!
Kathy says
These cookies look wonderful. Where do you get your sprouted flour? Apparently the link for the flour in your post is broken.
Gretchen says
I loved reading this post. We have a fun time at Christmas and are Christian. We have never taught Santa because we are teaching our children to go to God in all situations in life not to Santa and to also appreciate and be thankful for what others do for them and what they have. That being said - the kids all giggle and love when I tease " I wonder what Santa is bringing for Christmas. "
It is a fun holiday - I say have fun, enjoy the cookies, and take time to be thankful for the special time as families we get and memories we make.
Shannon says
thats what happened to us with santa! Crazy, isn't it. love your site!
Janie says
Temperature, please?
Janie says
Nevermind-- see it was edited in. Thank you! 🙂
Michelle says
Thanks for sharing your story and recipe! They look delicious. While we are Jewish so don't observe Christmas, I still enjoyed your wonderful story. I love sharing and discussing religion with a close Christian and Muslim friend that I have. The recipe looks great for our Hanukah cookie cut outs for next year.. Hope you have a nice holiday.
HH says
We did precisely the same thing and we staved it off for five years...until this year. She was bound and determined to embrace Santa Claus. So, I told her that some people believe in him and some don't (me being one of them) and both opinions were okay. She thought about it and decided that she wanted to believe in him. He didn't bring her any gifts and we didn't set out anything for him, but she didn't seem to be perturbed about it. Either way, she was given the information and she made her own choice based on it. I'm okay with that. 🙂
Anne says
What's the temperature thank you
Jill says
Hey Rustaholic,
What a wonderful story. Merry Christmas to you for sharing.
Angela says
That is exactly the same story with our children and Santa. Despite our best efforts to tell the truth they refuse to believe. sometimes children are so funny. Oh well. We decided this year to play along and have enjoyed doing so.
Rustaholic says
It was my second Christmas.
I was one year and ten months old.
Mon had taken me to see that silly santa dressed guy at the J.C. Penny store in town but I wasn't buying all that Santa crap. Still there were no presents under the tree on Christmas Eve.
I went to bed wondering where they were but knowing there was no such thing as a santa.
There must have been some noise outside my bedroom door because I woke up and opened the door.
I must have been asleep a while because across my doorway was a long dresser from my room with a chair on it and my dad's legs extending up into the attic.
There already were a couple wrapped gifts laying there where he had handed them down to Mom.
See, I told you there was no Santa, I said.
Mom said, "Go back to bed you are still asleep.
I know I was that young because the next Christmas Dad wouldn't have been able to do that. He was in his wheelchair.
The next Christmas we no longer had Dad because he died August 2, 1960